The paper aims to help people familiarize themselves with the concept of shock collars in dog training.

Electronic or also known as shock collars have remained an issue of concern to many trainers, owners, and even the trainers and humane society. These devices are specially created to give electric shock to a dog as form of correction or training them. That is why; while some of the trainers recommend their use they increase fear and anxiety in dogs according to others. The purpose of this article is to review current knowledge on shock collars’ applicability as training tools for dogs, their efficiency, and their appropriateness.
What Are Shock Collars?
Shock collars are devices through which an electric shock is administered by remote control or when the device detects a bark or an unauthorized crossing of a border.
Types: Of the training collars there is the use of the use of shock, vibrate and sound to correct the dog. There are collars that are used for certain behaviors including barking and running away.
How Shock Collars Work
Training Mechanism: The primary use of a training collar dog shock is to discourage specific conducts by making these conducts connected to uncomfortable sensation. For instance, when a dog is aggressive and barks profusely, the collar produces an electric shock that should deter the barking.
Finding the Right Level: The other thing that concerns trainers is to find out how much shock each dog deserves. The target is to achieve an intensity that will give a response but would not cause the patient to feel Pare. Most trainers suggest that to set it at its lowest possible level and gradually increase this level until the dog reacts to it.
How Effective Is Shock Collars
Behavior Modification: There are trainers who have testified to having achieved shock collar training results when conventional methods of training had failed. For example, if a dog tends to bark loudly it will stop doing so when the collar is placed on it.
Short-Term Results: However, shock collars instantaneously deliver results because they don’t offer persistent behavior modification. Dogs can stop the undesirable actions only if they have the collar in use, and once the collar is removed, the problem might come back.
Ethical Considerations
Animal Welfare Concerns: Some critics with regards to shock collars claim that the device leaves a dog fearing, anxious and stressed. An analysis of the behavior change technique: Shock can harm your pet, while positive reinforcement can help your pet education.
Alternatives to Shock Collars: Great numbers of trainers support so called positive reinforcement techniques; these ones are based on expecting and encouraging specific forms of behavior rather than limiting and penalizing unwanted ones. The use of clicker training, or the use of treats will not cause the negative aspects of shock collars as techniques mentioned above.
Professional Opinions
Diverse Perspectives: There are supporters of the shock collar as well as opponents in the dog training society. There are expert trainers who think that shock collars are okay but should be used in certain conditions and sparingly at that. Some people state that chances are more dangerous than advantages while some people use positive reinforcement methods.
Importance of Education: In case a dog owner wants to use this aid, he or she should really learn how they are effective so that they could help train the dog. The best advice we get from most trainers is to consult with a expert that is well-versed in e-collar training to see that the tool is used optimally and ethically.
On balance it could be said that shock collar is not only ineffective but also dangerous to use in practice. As effective recommendations for some behaviors, these methods are questionable for their ability to generate fear and anxiety in dogs, which makes the ethical issues with this approach questionable. People with dogs should be very careful with shock collar devices and look for alternatives which encourage good behavior of their dogs. For those operating within a limited budget, consider exploring the offerings on china wholesale. Periodically, the goal of any training must be to improve on the quality of life of the pet and also further the bond shared between the pet and the owner.